Photo of Hasan


18 years · Male · Months


I am a clean person very kind if I can help ofc I will help without hesitation I am an athlete and I respect everybody and I don't Jude nobody

Roommate looking in: Newtonbrook, North York, ON.

Photo of Vivienne


29 years · Female · Student, freelance motion designer and illustrator


I am mostly quiet but friendly! I don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drug, don't party. I am very easy going and I keep my space clean. I like video games, anime, and cats.

Roommate looking in: Newtonbrook, North York, ON.

Photo of Susan


53 years · Other · Brick laying labourer


My husband and I are back to Canada from Jamaica he has job brick laying.I’m disabled and receive Cpp and a pension from 22 year’s service OLG casino. We are currently in AirBB in Newton Brook love area need something more permanent to call home. We are very clean and quiet.

Roommate looking in: Newtonbrook, North York, ON.

Photo of Jack


30 years · Male · IT Infrastructure Tech


(Take some time to read and save some your time, then PM me) I am currently looking for a place stay for commute (M-F or less than that) near downtown Toronto, that's mean we share rent but you live more Within Steeles Ave E, Birchmount Rd and Markham Rd like Port Royal, Goldhawk, Agincourt...

Roommate looking in: Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, ON, Thornhill, Regional Municipality of York, ON, Yongehurst, Richmond Hill, Regional Municipality of York, ON, Henry Farm, North York, ON & Newtonbrook Newton Brook, North York, ON.

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