50 years + housemates in South Wellington, Regional District of Nanaimo, BC

Photo of Catherine


60 years · Female · Semi-retired


I'm a senior, very mobile senior, looking to share a semi-rural property. I'd love to have do vegetable container gardening and grow herbs. I love nature, so sowing wildflower seeds to attract bees is important to me. I enjoy crafts, cooking, reading and quiet.

Roommate looking in: Nanaimo, Regional District of Nanaimo, BC.

Photo of Owen Nisbet

Owen Nisbet

51 years · Male · Roofer/contractor in training


Hi there im a quiet guy with a large but freindly dog who is very loving and great as a gaurd for the house , i do smoke cigarettes but otherwise no other vices the occasional drink for special occasions but never in home only when out ...i start early and try to be in bed early im neat around the h...

Roommate looking in: Nanaimo, Regional District of Nanaimo, BC.

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