
17 years · Female · Fast food employee


I am friendly and respectful and will follow and abide by any restrictions that are asked of me. I attend school and work. I'm quiet and do not party, drink, or smoke.

Roommate looking in: Sarnia, Lambton County, ON.


21 years · Male · Walmart associate


I'm typically quiet and keep to myself. I don't party or smoke. Looking for a place near Walmart, Clearwater terminal, or a short walk to superstore. I don't have a car so parking is not an issue.

Roommate looking in: Sarnia, Lambton County, ON.


18 years · Female · grocery clerk


I'm going to Lambton Collage in September, I like to cook and bake and I probably wont be there a lot so you'll have the house to yourself.

Roommate looking in: Sarnia, Lambton County, ON.


23 years · Male · Student


Hi there, you can call me Harry. I am looking tor accommodation from next month preferably a separate room. Any leads would be highly appreciated. Thanks

Roommate looking in: Sarnia, Lambton County, ON.

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