Male housemates in Riverview, Cambridge, Waterloo County, ON

Photo of Andrew


29 years · Male · Composer & Sound Designer


Hi there! My name is Andrew. I am a professional composer and sound designer who works from home (I always use headphones during quiet hours). I'm a fairly tidy, flexible person, and while I generally keep to myself, I still enjoy being friendly and sociable. When I'm not creating music or designing...

Roommate looking in: Cambridge, Waterloo County, ON, Waterloo, Waterloo County, ON & Kitchener, Waterloo County, ON.

Dave & dave

54 years · Males · Flat Roofer


I am a very responsible 54 year old male who is very clean and quiet natured, i enjoy playing 'acoustic guitar" , i am seeking a room for myself!!

Roommate looking in: Cambridge, Waterloo County, ON.

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