50 years + housemates in Radisson Transcona, Winnipeg, MB

Photo of Marconi


55 years · Male · Unemployed


I am a 55 year old man, divorced, originally from Brazil but living in Canada since 2011. I am Christian, don't smoke, don't have pets.

Roommate looking in: Transcona, Winnipeg, MB.


50 years · Female · Professional in Childcare


I am a working female who is a tidy, quiet person looking to live a little less expensively. If you happen to have a dog, I absolutely love them but I'm allergic to cats and rabbits. I need a plug-in parking spot and a scent-free environment. I cannot live with someone who vapes, or smokes cigarett...

Roommate looking in: River East, Winnipeg, MB.

Photo of Keith


67 years · Male · Retired


Hi my name is Keith. I’m a senior citizen. Sorry to say I lost my wife 17 years ago to cancer. It’s amazing how life can change overnight. My income is my CPP and my old age security. Also I have adult children with grandkids. My son here in Winnipeg said that he would cosign for me, if needed. ?

Roommate looking in: Kildonan Drive River East, Winnipeg, MB.


56 years · Female · Human Resources


I am 56 year old professional that does not party. Presently working on acquiring hr designations and trying to work on me. I have two grown children who do not live in mb and I travel to see them.

Roommate looking in: Winnipeg, MB.

Photo of Keith


58 years · Male · Student


Hey, I’m a relaxed male, I am studying for 1 year in Winnipeg as a healthcare clerk/nurses aide dual course. I am looking for a place in the north end, close to my school on Selkirk Ave. If you have anything suitable, let me know. I spend most of my free time volunteering, or at the gym. Yes I am...

Roommate looking in: Winnipeg, MB.

Photo of Shane Morrow

Shane Morrow

56 years · Male · Operations manager


56 year old separated male. Working out of town at a gold mine. 7 days on 7 Days off.

Roommate looking in: Winnipeg, MB.


52 years · Male · Framer but currently on EIA disability


I am a quiet, clean and easy going roommate. I have worked in framing and construction and am a bit of a handy man. I have a small friendly dog( Shitzu).

Roommate looking in: Winnipeg, MB.

Photo of Olivia


60 years · Female · Retired


I'm looking for a new place in Manitoba hopefully close to Winnipeg. I like space and outdoor space. Do I want it all, yes. I'm easy to live with.

Roommate looking in: Winnipeg, MB.

Photo of Uriel


50 years · Male · Computer Engginer


I enjoy a nice and clean space to live in. I am very respectful, quiet, clean, tidy, and easygoing.

Roommate looking in: Winnipeg, MB.

Barbara Kiz

55 years · Female · office worker, full-time


Full time office worker. Non-smoker, no pets, no allergies. I'm looking for a space, for myself, for sleep and study. I'm willing to share in cooking and cleaning.

Roommate looking in: Winnipeg, MB.


53 years · Male · Unemployed, on EIA.


Normally quiet, unless watching a comedy or Sports. Sociable, but not an Extrovert.

Roommate looking in: Winnipeg, MB.

Russell MacDonald

61 years · Male · On EI


Good roommate ..tenant...unfortunately had to vacate current place , that been at for 7 years ..due to house damage ...Have a well behaved Cat .... 😁😁👍

Roommate looking in: Winnipeg, MB.

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