50 years + housemates in Plateau Sainte-Foy / Sillery / Cap-Rouge, Québec, QC

Photo of Émile


78 years · Male · Newly retired


Tranquille, nouvellement retraité. Ayant vendu ma maison à Ste-Foy, j'ai besoin d'un logement de transition du 23 août jusqu'à la mi-septembre environ.

Roommate looking in: Québec, QC.

Photo of Michel Durand

Michel Durand

53 years · Male · Mechanical engineering technologist


Middle age dude who just landed a new job in Quebec city and now has to relocate.

Roommate looking in: Québec, QC.

Photo of Edward


50 years · Male · Student in the MIFI francisation program.


I am moving to Quebec because the cost of housing in Montreal is too high. I am currenrly a student in a career transition training program designed for experienced professionals who want to extend their careers beyond retirement. The program is of six months duration. I do not drink or smoke. I...

Roommate looking in: Québec, QC.

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