
16 years · Female · High school student


Hi, my situation at home is a bit precarious so I'm looking to find a place of my own. I can afford rent and am easy going. Thanks!

Roommate looking in: Richmond, ON.

Photo of Jacob


27 years · Male · Student


Moving to Prescott, Ontario area for the summer and looking for a room to rent from end of may/start of June to mid August. Transferring into a bachelor of engineering program and have transition courses over the summer so most my time will be either working on schoolwork or finding hikes to do caus...

Roommate looking in: Kemptville, United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, ON, Brockville, United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, ON & Prescott, United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, ON.


33 years · Female · student


my name is Ruth, I student and a mom to a 10year old daughter. I school at Algonquin and I am studying business management and entrepreneurship and I just started my own business. I am a Christian, I and my daughter are vey friendly and peaceful. I am respectful and kind. I am looking for a room spa...

Roommate looking in: Billings Bridge - Alta Vista Ottawa South, Ottawa, ON, Barrhaven, Nepean, ON, Woodroffe - Lincoln Heights, Ottawa, ON & Algonquin Highlands, Haliburton County, ON.

Photo of Lorenzo Casino

Lorenzo Casino

33 years · Male · Line-Cook


I am well organized, passionate about my craft, inquisitive by nature but very mindful of others' space, a night owl as my job starts in the evening and overall a pretty chill guy. I am also a great help around the kitchen and being a guy whose accustomed to hard labour, I can pretty much help out w...

Roommate looking in: Barrhaven, Nepean, ON.

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