65 years · Female · retired RN, massage therapist
I am quiet and clean, love yoga, hiking, and gardening. I like healthy cooking, and my 16 lb dog is really, really laidback and lovable.
Roommate looking in: Nelson, Central Kootenay, BC.
65 years · Female · retired RN, massage therapist
I am quiet and clean, love yoga, hiking, and gardening. I like healthy cooking, and my 16 lb dog is really, really laidback and lovable.
Roommate looking in: Nelson, Central Kootenay, BC.
32 years · Female · Compliance Officer
Hello! Single 32-yo female with a small dog. I work full time from home as a compliance officer and am very quiet and clean.
Roommate looking in: Nelson, Central Kootenay, BC.
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