Photo of Anwar Al-Akhras

Anwar Al-Akhras

28 years · Male · Process control technology engineer / professor


I hope this message finds you well. I am currently searching for a rental property in Lakehead as I am moving there to pursue my Master's degree. I am interested in securing a long-term lease and would like to inquire about the availability of the property you have listed for rent. Could you please...

Roommate looking in: Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON.

Photo of Elis


26 years · Female · Student


Hello, My name is Elis, I'm Dominican, and I'm moving to Thunderbay in January 2025, I'll study at Confederation College, so any room close to it, clean and a preferred quiet place will work. Depending on what's included I can be flexible with the payment.

Roommate looking in: Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON.

Tineyi Mabhara

46 years · Male · Student


I am sociable and easygoing, very respectful person. I have also lived in different countries and can interact with any person of any nationality. I am also good at respecting other people's spaces in life.

Roommate looking in: Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON.


19 years · Female · Student


Hi! I am a second year nursing student, super friendly and super willing to help out! As a student, I’m working two part time jobs to put myself through school. Bad family situation so I’m looking to move into my first place!

Roommate looking in: Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON.

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