Male housemates in Muskoka Falls, Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, ON

Mauricio Prado

30 years · Male · Journalist


I am a professional Journalist who came to Huntsville as a full time radio station employee. I'm 30 yo and I have graduated from Fanshawe College. I don't smoke, drink or do any type of drugs. I am responsable, organized and mature enough to live in a nice place that can help me maintain my professi...

Roommate looking in: Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, ON.


48 years · Male · carpenter


Wife and kids returning to Ukraine. I am full time employed, easy going and used to kids. Fishing is a passion I have and the outdoors. I am down sizing-reference available

Roommate looking in: Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, ON.

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