LGBT+ or Gay housemates in Merivale Gardens, Nepean, ON

Photo of Rayanne


22 years · Female · Social work/Retail store supervisor


Hey! My name is Rayanne and I'm looking for a place within the next couple months. A few things about me, I work full time, I'm a very social person but mainly keep to myself and respect the privacy of others (but of course if you like to chat, I'm your girl I just won't force it on you lol). In my...

Roommate looking in: Stittsville, ON, Kanata, ON, Nepean, ON & Ottawa, ON.

Photo of Sofia


21 years · Female · Animator, Student


I have a friendly attitude, and also own a very cute cat that is well behaved! I am respectful of space, and am sure to upkeep any rules set by the tenant. I am easy to talk to if any issue arises, studious and often times keep to myself

Roommate looking in: Ottawa, ON & Nepean, ON.

Photo of Alexa


34 years · Female · Administrative Lead


Hello I'm Alexa (friends call me Lex), I'm a friendly and chill person who is pet-parent to two fur-babies; one quirky 7 y/o indoor tabby cat named Buffy and one cuddly 8 y/o small shih-tzu bichon named Asha. --ABOUT ME: I'm a bit of an introvert and tend to stay in a lot. I work from home 3 day...

Roommate looking in: Kanata, ON, Carlington, Ottawa, ON, Orléans, ON, Britannia Lincoln Heights, Ottawa, ON & Bayshore - Belltown Lakeview Park, Nepean, ON.

Photo of Kaeli


21 years · Female · Bingo Games Assistant


I'm Kaeli. I'm a quiet but fun when you get to know me kind of girl. I do partake in edibles but I don't smoke. So if you're not into that, or if you are that's so cool! I am very good at being on time with bills as I work very hard to make a living for myself. I am also very clean.

Roommate looking in: Nepean, ON.

Photo of Thomas


24 years · Male · Performance Coach


A young professional looking for a place available November 1st. Looking to work on my career and have a nice, clean place to cook and meal prep for said job. I will be away from home most of the day. Require parking, no pets, cannabis and alcohol friendly but quitting both.

Roommate looking in: Nepean, ON.

Photo of Reesa


22 years · Female · Student


By the time I move in I will have completed an undergraduate degree and am a future Algonquin student. I am a quiet and clean person who enjoys outings with the house and nights in with a movie night or something similar! I am a home-body at heart and enjoy hobbies like crafting, watching movies,...

Roommate looking in: Nepean, ON.

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