
56 years · Female · Dining Associate


I work full time in Alliston so even a room in Alliston would be great. I currently live in Beeton with my son and his family so a room in Beeton would be great. I have a small dog and he is a good boy. He has to come with me. I don't drive so parking is not an issue. My budget is around $800 a mont...

Roommate looking in: Beeton, Simcoe County, ON.

Photo of Lina

Lina & Ana

22 & 51 years · Females · Direct support worker


I am currently a student at Trent University, I am rarely home. I have two 3 year old dogs, one small chihuahua mix and a bigger lab mix, due to me being home so little, I regularly have my mother stay to babysit my dogs and take them out 2-3 times a day. We are very quiet and keep to ourselves.

Roommate looking in: Orangeville, Dufferin County, ON.

Photo of Jordon


18 years · Male · Concession attendant


I'm a hard working culinary management student looking for a place to live temporarily, I'm pretty quiet and keep to myself but I do what I need to do

Roommate looking in: Orangeville, Dufferin County, ON.

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