

41 years · Male · Odsp


I need a place to live. It is cold out side. I am currently homeless. Shelters are unsafe and full. I need to be in a drug free space. I have help from my family but they can’t house me. I keep a clean place I have some $ I am polite I am willing to fix/ help better the place I live

Roommate looking in: Tweed, Hastings Highlands, ON.

Photo of Amy-Lyn V

Amy-Lyn V

41 years · Female · Assistant cook for meals on wheels


I am looking for a place to live that is quiet and comfortable. I work full time in Tweed, I am a very quiet housemate, and generally keep to myself. I am also a creative person who is very involved in theatre and the arts. I also love to cook, bake and clean.

Roommate looking in: Tweed, Hastings Highlands, ON.

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