Photo of dizaoc


44 years · Male · employé


Hi! My name is Diego, I'm from Colombia. I have been living in Canada for five years. In Colombia, I worked for 16 years as a university professor in business administration, finance, commerce and international business programs. I'm a person who believes in GOD, I am collaborative, empathetic and s...

Roommate looking in: Île des Soeurs, QC.

Photo of Kalena


26 years · Female · Architectural Technician


Looking for an unfurnished apartment/ teaming up with at least 2 roommates of 18+ (wanna be all girls). I have enough to furnish an apartment, électros etc. as well as a 14 y/o cat named Smokey 😽. I have ADHD, love music and videogames, and am generally a homebody, although I do sometimes work long...

Roommate looking in: Île des Soeurs, QC, Ville-Émard - Côte Saint-Paul, Montréal, QC, Verdun, QC, LaSalle, QC & Lachine, QC.


73 years · Female · Retirer


I am 73 years old, likely experienced a rich tapestry of life, filled with stories, wisdom, and countless meaningful moments.

Roommate looking in: Île des Soeurs, QC.

Photo of Carine


32 years · Female · Art Director


Hello! I am a 32-year-old professional female from France. While I enjoy socializing and building connections, I am mindful of others' preferences for personal time and space. Whether it's unwinding after a long day or engaging in shared activities, I approach social interactions with sensitivity...

Roommate looking in: LaSalle, QC & Verdun, QC.

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