Photo of Gabriel


31 years · Male · Maintenance Technician


I am from Ecuador, have been in Canada for +2 years. I am currently working as Junior Mechanic in Etobicoke. I believe I would be an excellent addition to our living space. First and foremost, I am a reliable and responsible individual. I understand the importance of paying bills on time and mainta...

Roommate looking in: Old Mill York - Crosstown, York, ON, Kipling Heights, Etobicoke, ON & Islington, Etobicoke, ON.

Photo of Mohamud


48 years · Male · Transmission technician


I don’t smoke , drink and I don’t party at my home. I like private life style. I don’t interfere other people business. I like to mind my business And I like to respect everyone as longest I got respect. Thank you

Roommate looking in: Kipling Heights, Etobicoke, ON.

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