Photo of Sam


45 years · Male · Research Fellow


I am a very fun and professional person, want to explore and see if I like to live in Montreal. I am a physician by profession, may join research at McGill. I love to have someone who align with my professional goals or be fun to be around . I am very helpful and always try to be useful and help peo...

Roommate looking in: Hampstead, QC, Québec, QC & Laval, QC.

Photo of Toni


22 years · Female · Bartender/waitress


I enjoy maintaining my surrounding space clean. I accommodate to my roommates needs with ease, as I expect the same level of respect in return. I am very easy going, as long as all our boundaries are met, and we provide each other with the space we need.

Roommate looking in: Notre Dame de Grace, Montréal, QC.

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