Photo of Nikoletta Salvarakis

Nikoletta Salvarakis

36 years · Female · hvac, educational assistant, restaurant supervisor


"We’re a friendly, respectful couple who value a peaceful and tidy living environment. We’re great at communication, mindful of shared spaces, and always happy to contribute to keeping the home running smoothly. We love cooking and would be glad to share meals or hang out when it feels right, but we...

Roommate looking in: Kingston, Frontenac County, ON.

Photo of Koi

Koi & Atlas

20 years · Couple · Visa plan and Ontario works


Me and my partner recently got engaged and we are looking for somewhere to start working and save for college, we're quiet, clean and usually keep to ourselves. I am on a Visa plan and my partner is on Ontario works, somewhere in or nearby Kingston would be great. Feel free to reach out.

Roommate looking in: Kingston, Frontenac County, ON.

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