Photo of Johann


63 years · Male · Golf Professional


F/t certified golf professional/business owner; Quiet but very friendly; Great cook; Morning person; Extremely Clean/Tidy; Parking for Pickup Truck a must (my work truck); Police VSC; Not open to rooming with cannabis, or tobacco users please. Looking for minimum 12 month commitment. Professional &...

Roommate looking in: Aylmer, Elgin County, ON, Belmont, Elgin County, ON, St. Thomas, Elgin County, ON & Elgin, United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, ON.

Emma Rees

50 years · Female · CEO of own business


Hi there - my husband and I live in Toronto, he needs to be in Thomas for the next 6-8 months so I’m on the hunt for a (Monday-Thursday/friday) let for him…with the potential that I could stay sometimes as St Thomas looks like a great place for me to get some bike training in. We both come with AAA+...

Roommate looking in: St. Thomas, Elgin County, ON.

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