
56 years · Female · Mary


Looking for accommodation for my mother. She is in her 50’s and would be looking to live with another middle aged or older woman. She works full time in south Guelph and would like to live within a 30-40 minute drive. Has 1 cat that she would be bringing. Is not interested in living with any student...

Roommate looking in: Fergus, Wellington County, ON, Guelph, Wellington County, ON, Kitchener, Waterloo County, ON & Cambridge, Waterloo County, ON.

Photo of River


23 years · Other · student/nanny


Hi! My name is River, I am a 23 year old international student! I am graduating this summer and will be transitioning into work life. I am quiet, clean and friendly with a well behaved cat. She gets along well with other pets especially other cats. I value an inviting, laid back environment.

Roommate looking in: Guelph, Wellington County, ON & Elora, Wellington County, ON.


29 years · Female · Food Services Supervisor


I am single with one persian cat looking for room to share budget is $700 to 800 near or accessible to Mcdonalds in Elmira (industrial rd)

Roommate looking in: Elmira, Waterloo County, ON.

Photo of Megan


22 years · Female · Personal support worker


I am a 22 year old female, I work in health care. I have 2 cats and sometimes my dogs I share I have come by or hang out for a few nights. I’m a quiet person, very clean, independent and respectful.

Roommate looking in: Wellington County, ON.

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