Student housemates in East Saanich 2, Capital Regional District, BC

Photo of Brodie


40 years · Male · Student/Trades Journeyman


I have had an offer to attend UVic in fall but along with a degree I would like to get a trade ticket preferably in carpentry. I would like to have a roommate that has the same ambitions but also is respectful, relatively clean, and is not a huge party person. I would also like to go skiing and sur...

Roommate looking in: Saanichton, Capital Regional District, BC, North Saanich, Capital Regional District, BC, Langford, Capital Regional District, BC, Esquimalt, Capital Regional District, BC & Royal Oak, Victoria, Capital Regional District, BC.

Photo of Brody


42 years · Male · Income assistance , waiting on wage subsidy referral to go through


Hello! I’m looking for a quiet and comfortable room to rent. I’m a friendly and considerate tenant, currently on income assistance, so affordability is important to me. I don’t have any pets, I’m not a partier, and I value keeping shared spaces clean and respectful. I enjoy a peaceful living environ...

Roommate looking in: Saanichton, Capital Regional District, BC, Sidney, Capital Regional District, BC & Victoria, Capital Regional District, BC.

Photo of Godswill


35 years · Male · Student


My name is Godswill, and I am from Nigeria. I have over seven years of experience as a Project coordinator in the African Infrastructure Development sector. I am currently taking study leave to further my education in Canada. I will be resuming my studies at the British Columbia Institute of Tech...

Roommate looking in: Richmond, Metro Vancouver Regional District, BC, Surrey, Metro Vancouver Regional District, BC, Burnaby, Metro Vancouver Regional District, BC, Burnaby Heights, Burnaby, Metro Vancouver Regional District, BC & Brentwood Bay, Capital Regional District, BC.

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