LGBT+ or Gay housemates in Chapel Hill North Convent Glen, Orléans, ON

Photo of Morgan


28 years · Female · Remote Worker & Grad Student


I’m looking for a place to stay in Orleans or Gloucester. I’m looking for a calm, quiet, stable home that would welcome me and my sweet senior dog. I work full time (mostly from home) and I’m very friendly, introverted, clean, and mostly keep to myself. I’m also in full time school online. I’m looki...

Roommate looking in: Gloucester Glen, Gloucester, ON, Orléans Central Convent Glen, Orléans, ON, Orléans North West Hiawatha Park, Orléans, ON, Orléans Village - Chateauneuf, Orléans, ON & Orléans Avalon - Notting Gate - Fallingbrook - Gardenway South, Orléans, ON.

Photo of Nicole


29 years · Female · Disabeled/Retired


I'm a trans woman in Ottawa on permanent disability for neurological issues. Details can be provided if required but the practical explanation is that I will spend most of my time in bed, can be quite forgetful, am unable to carry even moderate weights, and should not leave the house on my own. I...

Roommate looking in: Orléans, ON & Ottawa, ON.


19 years · Male · Part time cashier


I am fluent in English and French, but I'm not the kind of person to go out of his way to talk to people. I usually stay in my room most of the time gaming and occasionally play some music on my piano. I also have ADHD, so I can be a little over the top sometimes, but I do take medication to help de...

Roommate looking in: Orléans, ON.

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