Photo of Chany


21 years · Female · Full time job


Hi, I’m Chany! I like to make friends, I currently work at Cégep du vieux montreal’s school store. I’m building a career on social media with my art as well! I like to keep my environment tidy and clean and although I like being in my bubble, I love hanging out from time to time. I value communicati...

Roommate looking in: Petite-Bourgogne, Montréal, QC, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montréal, QC, Verdun, QC, Rosemont, Montréal, QC & Vieux Montréal, Montréal, QC.


37 years · Female · Hairstylist


I am very quiet and clean. I am also friendly and honest. I need a room for a few nights of the week to be closer to work. I am a very responsible person and take good care of my belongings.

Roommate looking in: Verdun, QC & Vieux Montréal, Montréal, QC.

Photo of Sada


22 years · Female · Student


Hello, I’m an American student who’s starting at HEC. I currently live at a friend’s. I’m a very clean person I’m most of the time out studying, traveling or with my friends doing fun activities So I’m not home a lot but when I do we can either have a fun roomie night or give each other space I’...

Roommate looking in: Vieux Montréal, Montréal, QC & Montréal, QC.

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