
53 years · Male · Cook


A mature man that has a full time job. Willing to have other room mates but i prefer to have a private bedroom i can share bathroom / kitchen .

Roommate looking in: Waterdown, ON.

Photo of Kerry Anne Podger

Kerry Anne Podger

53 years · Female · Cleaner/PSW


I’m very clean, quiet, kind, respectful, friendly and trustworthy. I Work 6am to 2pm at Polycon as a cleaner. I am a PSW taking a lil break from death. Just had to much all at once. Parents included. Spend my week days at home after work. Walk the dogs and watch tv or read. And visit family and fr...

Roommate looking in: Dundas, ON, Kitchener, Waterloo County, ON, Puslinch, Wellington County, ON, Fergus, Wellington County, ON & Guelph, Wellington County, ON.

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