
18 years · Female · Lifeguard, sales associate


I’m 18, I’m attending NSCC Sydney waterfront campus in September for applied media arts. I love to sketch and paint, I’m a photographer. I don’t have any pets but I love animals. I currently live in Halifax Nova Scotia and am looking to move any time between the end of August to the beginning of Sep...

Roommate looking in: Sydney, Cape Breton County, NS.

Marcy & Jenna

20 & 22 years · Females · Diagnostic medical ultrasound student


Hi there! My friend and I are both female Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Students who are completing our clinical practicum at the hospital in Cape Breton! We are both friendly, mature, responsible, quiet students who do not drink, smoke, or party!

Roommate looking in: Sydney, Cape Breton County, NS.

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