monica Dunn-lamothe

60 years · Female · Representative


I am looking for a place to rent in the Sydney area for about a month or two, my sister is not well! I love to do sports and keep myself busy. I am working 2 days a week! I have a cat and she is beautiful, and no concerns! I live in the Quebec region and will be travelling!

Roommate looking in: Sydney, Cape Breton County, NS.

Marcy & Jenna

20 & 22 years · Females · Diagnostic medical ultrasound student


Hi there! My friend and I are both female Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Students who are completing our clinical practicum at the hospital in Cape Breton! We are both friendly, mature, responsible, quiet students who do not drink, smoke, or party!

Roommate looking in: Sydney, Cape Breton County, NS.

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