David & Denise

45 & 52 years · Couple · Carpenter


We are a couple looking for a basement suite or apartment where mild noise is tolerated I'm a musician and producer who loves music and needs at least an hour a day to practice. However I am also an early riser so I'm usually in bed by ten and the noise would be more in the early evening after dinne...

Roommate looking in: Southwest Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Photo of Jacob


23 years · Male · We both have full time work


I am looking for a room for me and my Partner Brea. We are both from New Zealand and we are looking for a room to rent together. We are currently both working full time around 17th ave so a place close to there would be ideal!

Roommate looking in: Southwest Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Photo of Peter

Peter & Solveig

25 & 26 years · Couple · Animal Welfare Technician


—Seeking August or September rental start— We are a couple and very excited because my partner Solveig just got accepted to Calgary U’s Master of Architecture program! I’ll be looking for work in Calgary. We’d love if there’s a whole unit out there that wants good tenants, but we get along quite we...

Roommate looking in: Wildwood Southwest Calgary, Calgary, AB, Downtown West End, Calgary, AB, Charleswood Northwest Calgary, Calgary, AB, Sunnyside, Calgary, AB & Mission Glencoe, Calgary, AB.

Photo of Elena

Elena & Oleg

48 & 49 years · Couple · Business professionals


We are a professional couple relocating to Calgary at the end of September and are seeking an ensuite room to rent starting October 1st. We are tidy, clean, and minimalist, preferring an uncluttered room or house that is easy to maintain. As introverts, we value privacy, respect the boundaries of ot...

Roommate looking in: Calgary, AB.

Tom & Kayla

28 years · Couple · Teacher


2 Aussies on a working holiday and looking for a place short to medium term while we're in Calgary.

Roommate looking in: Calgary, AB.

Photo of Taran

Taran & Simran

30 & 33 years · Couple · Delivery Associate


I’d be a great roommate because I’m clean, respectful, and easygoing. I believe in open communication, keeping shared spaces tidy, and being mindful of everyone’s schedule. I enjoy a friendly and positive living environment—whether that means having the occasional chat, sharing a meal, or just respe...

Roommate looking in: Calgary, AB.

Cassandra & Brennan

39 & 42 years · Couple · Acupuncturist


Hi! I'm a clean, respectful mature person who spends a lot of time studying my craft (acupuncture) and chilling out when home. I cook all my meals at home and tend to stay out of the way. I love my me time. I also love the outdoors, music, physical fitness and animals - although I am allergic to ca...

Roommate looking in: Calgary, AB.

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