Photo of Mathew


40 years · Male · Carpenter


I’m a quiet person but very social and polite I work 2 jobs so I’m I’m very driven Clean and respectful I love anything outdoors I play hockey soccer and lacrosse

Roommate looking in: Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, ON.


48 years · Male · carpenter


Wife and kids returning to Ukraine. I am full time employed, easy going and used to kids. Fishing is a passion I have and the outdoors. I am down sizing-reference available

Roommate looking in: Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, ON.


50 years · Female · PSW


Needing a change and some beautiful nature I am 50 years old. I am a hardworking PSW, I am looking for temporary living arrangements so I can work. In June I will be selling my home at which time I plan to purchase my own home I. The bracebridge area

Roommate looking in: Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, ON.


26 years · Female · Personal support worker


I am very respectful to noise and very neat. Usually work double shifts. I am very friendly and polite. I am looking for a private room to rent, because I just had a job offer

Roommate looking in: Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, ON.


22 years · Female · student


Hi my name is Delaney and I would be great to live with. I'm looking for people who like having a clean and tidy house, I'm a pretty quite person so I don't cause to much noise. I am student still in school so I will be studying but I do know how to have fun in my off time. I am a very easy going pe...

Roommate looking in: Huntsville, Muskoka Lakes, ON & Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, ON.

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