

46 years · Other · Flex Manager at Ricki's Retail


I lead a stable lifestyle and have established routines, which can contribute to an envirronment. Financial responsible rand reliable when it comes to paying bills and managing expenses. Life experience interpersonal skills, which can facilitate smooth communication. Respectful of others priva...

Roommate looking in: Trenton, Hastings Highlands, ON & Belleville, Hastings Highlands, ON.


38 years · Female · Server/Breakfast host


I'm a 38 year old, single, employed non-smoker with no children or pets. My main perogative is to work as much as I can and save money lol. I'm a clean and respectful individual who is accepting of people from all walks of life. Life is already difficult enough and I believe kindness goes a long way...

Roommate looking in: Belleville, Hastings Highlands, ON.

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