29 years · Female · self employed
we're super clean and tidy, quiet and respectful, we're both wonderful cooks that would love to have "family dinners" together etc.
Roommate looking in: Alberta Beach, AB.
29 years · Female · self employed
we're super clean and tidy, quiet and respectful, we're both wonderful cooks that would love to have "family dinners" together etc.
Roommate looking in: Alberta Beach, AB.
52 years · Female · Aish
I am looking for a place right away.i would love a basement as soon as possible. Been trying to look for a place a while we are very easy going people very clean
Roommate looking in: Alberta Beach, AB.
Lisa & Lisa
53 years · Females · Residential cleaner
I don’t have any roomies, it’s just me and my dog looking for a room to rent. I just moved from Nova Scotia to Calgary, I am a very clean quiet person, cheerful, happy to help out , my dogs name is Echo, she is an 18 month old Rottweiler, I purchased her from a wonderful breeder out of Onoway. She i...
Roommate looking in: Onoway, AB.
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