
21 years · Male · Pizza Delivery Driver


I'm a very solitary, chilled out person without many preferences for roomies, so feel free to be yourself! I'm very punctual with payments and responsible. My cat, Fish, does not get along with other cats and usually cannot live with other felines without fighting. Otherwise he's very relaxed withou...

Roommate looking in: Ailsa Craig, Middlesex County, ON, Birr, Denfield, Middlesex County, ON, Parkhill, Middlesex County, ON, Lucan, Middlesex County, ON & London, Middlesex County, ON.


22 years · Male · Factory Worker


I'm a gamer. I spend 99% of my time either at work, asleep, or playing games. I can be social if you want me to. Mainly just looking to move out and into my own private space, but the housing market is expensive lol. Very LGBT+ Friendly. I myself am a "Femboy" and I do aspire to eventually transi...

Roommate looking in: Strathroy, Middlesex County, ON.

Photo of Joms


37 years · Male · F&B Manager


Hi, im Joms. Currently here at St.Thomas, ON. Im looking for a room for myself. Im a friendly guy and easy to get along with people. Im also not a sensitive when it comes for being a housemate or room mate. Pls help me to find a room preferably at 62 Thames Rd,exeter. Moving date November 2024

Roommate looking in: Exeter, Huron County, ON.

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