Photo of dizaoc


Male · 44 years · employé

Free to message

Looking in: Île des Soeurs, QC.

$800 per month
Accommodation for
For myself
Ready to move
Looking to stay
6 months
🚭 Non-smoker


Hi! My name is Diego, I’m from Colombia. I have been living in Canada for five years. In Colombia, I worked for 16 years as a university professor in business administration, finance, commerce and international business programs. I’m a person who believes in GOD, I am collaborative, empathetic and supportive, and I enjoy sharing moments with my family and friends. I also like to take care of the environment, walk in nature, take care of animals, do sports, I like order and cleanliness. Furthermore, I like to volunteer at the Maison d’Accueil des Nouveaux Arrivants MANA. I’m interested in talking about topics such as the history of civilization, music, art, general culture, economics, finance, among others. I am respectful of people’s culture, customs and beliefs.

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