Hi! I’m Liv, a 21-year-old SAIT student taking graphic design. I graduate in April 2025 and then plan on going back to school to be an electrician in the fall. I’m super handy, I can build stuff, I’m good with cars, and I also work at Bath, Body, & Works, so I have candles and soap for free. :) I value my downtime, so I like to spend time in my room, but I am a yapper, too. I have a three-year-old cat named Leo who would be coming with me (unless my parents really are crazy). I’m kind of in a bad situation at home with my parents, and it’s no longer safe or healthy for me, and I would like to be outta here ASAP. I don’t have a place lined up but will 100% check places out with you! I’d prefer NW, but at this point, anything will do.