Hi, I’m Bryan and it’s so great to have you considering me as a roommate.
Toronto is my second home and I’ve moved back here last summer to go to school and become a paramedic. I’m originally from the Caribbean and I’ve been a food and beverage server to restaurant manager and then on to Owner of my own catering company. So it goes without saying but, I love food and I really enjoy cooking and prepping my meals for the week.
On my average day I’ll likely have classes or be studying, have a work shift and go to the gym. So my time at home realllly is down time for me. I am an outgoing and a very energetic person but that “downtime” for me is just to say I’m a very chill roommate.
Lover of essentially all sports, I’m in! I’m just a curious person; from sports, to food, culture, philosophy, science, “art”, etc my curiosity always provides more than enough interest. I enjoy being very active and I cycle (fun & commute), run, swim, lift weights and train kick-boxing whenever I get the chance.
We might not always agree and I’m not shy from owning my faults or having those conversations but we won’t have any disagreements about having a clean common space and respecting each others belongings,food, etc. That is very important to me when sharing my living space with someone else.
I apparently am an easy person to make laugh and I haven’t found anybody mad about me laughing at their jokes just yet. I’m just trying to make it in this world and do my part with a smile on my face and having my home life secured is key to all of that.
I appreciate your consideration and move-in Thai food is on me if it’s a good fit.
Take care