Lindsey & Lindsey Brock
Females · 41 years · Piano teacher
Looking in: Gloucester, ON.
I am friendly, and helpful with cleaning. My children 7 and 10 like reading and video games/tv and we are all very kind hearted. My dog is very relaxed at home. She does get excited if someone comes to the door or if she heard a child crying outside because she loves children, she really loves everybody. Most of the time she is found napping. I am usually on my phone or computer and I do my piano lessons at other’s homes. I would have my children Wednesday and Friday afterschool unless they have no school in which case it would be 10am. Wednesday they would leave around 7-7:15pm. Friday they would stay overnight and be with me all day on Saturday leaving at 7-7:15pm. They are also involved in hockey and I like to go out with friends occasionally for tea. We all have a sense of humour.