Photo of Rainen C

Rainen C

Female · 22 years · Athlete, nanny, sports photography/video work

Free to message

Looking in: Calgary, AB.

$1,100 per month
Accommodation for
For myself
Ready to move
March 30
🚭 Non-smoker
🐱 Has a cat
🙌 Interested in teaming-up


Hey! I have an apt. in mind and am looking for a roommate - ideally a girl in her 20s, someone awesome and super solid! I’d love to be friends with whoever I live with, and find someone who is clean, up front and honest, and likes to keep the space beautiful. I work & train a lot and live a healthy lifestyle (eg don’t smoke or party and am usually pretty quiet and chill at home) but I’d love to have a home where we can have friends over occasionally for movie nights, dinner, game nights, etc. I have a darling cat too - she basically eats, sleeps, and wants attention 😊

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Photo of Rainen C
Rainen C
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