Andrew Wilton
Male · 25 years · Business Owner, Musician
Looking in: Sudbury, ON.
Hi there, nice to meet you 🙂 I was looking for an apartment/house/room to rent. I’m 25 and I live in Blezard Valley at the moment with my parents. I’m currently an owner of Black Cat Records Sudbury, and a musician for my income. You’re welcome to see my resume or ask me any questions, and I’m happy to send you references as well. I’d like to think I’m friendly, sociable, tidy and totally willing to follow any rules at the place I’m staying as well as get along with other roommates. Some of my hobbies are art, playing music, fashion, history, reading and books, photography, etc.
I am on Ontario Works atm, and so if I rent a place I just need the landlord/renter to sign a document for me agreeing for me to rent there, and then they would start receiving payments of the rent amount in full.
Thank you! 🙏