Female · 22 years · On disability
Looking in: Abbotsford, Fraser Valley Regional District, BC & Chilliwack, Fraser Valley Regional District, BC.
Hello, my name is Hanna, and I’m on disability. I’m having some medical issues that are preventing me from doing a lot of day to day stuff, so I’m smoking marijuana to help the pain so I can do some house chores and cook. I like to keep to myself and stay quiet, but if you’re interested in interacting I’m good with that too. I don’t have any animals, I don’t drive, and I don’t work. I’m planning on starting over and relearning math and English so I can go back and finish school. I have ADHD, anxiety, and CPTSD so I’m mostly on my headphones listening to music and watching YouTube or something. I grew up with dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, and snakes. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke cigarettes or anything other than Marijuana. I have to get up a lot throughout the night to go pee but I do my best to stay quiet and respectful. I’m trying my best to work on my physical, mental, medical, and financial health. I’m doing what I can to get healthy and thin but I know I’m more than my body. I’m bisexual and in a relationship. I enjoy reading fantasy, playing video games like BG3, and other artsy stuff. My dream is to learn fluent German, visit Europe and study there for fashion/sewing. I want to own my own clothing line, and my own house on a plot of land. I just want to get better, healthier, happier, stronger, and more independent despite my disabilities. I honestly have a hard time communicating but if I did something wrong, if you talk to me about it I’ll do my best to fix the issue. Like I said I’m having medical issues that’s causing consistent bleeding and pain so I smoke marijuana for that and for a bit of fun. I don’t mind kids, animals, and people smoking cigarettes.