Luiz Henrique
Male · 35 years · PhD student
Looking in: Victoria, Capital Regional District, BC.
Hello! I am attending UVic Law Graduate program, starting my second year as a PhD student. My last roomate need his room back by the end of August, so I am looking for a place to stay from September until December, at least initially.
I am pretty laid back and consider myself pretty flexible in terms of adapting to other peoples’ routines and house rules. That said I do enjoy to live in a tidy and quiet place where I can study and relax. When I home I enjoy to cook, read, listen to some ambient music (nothing loud ever), and mind my business… I can be both sociable and introvert, depending on the moon phase.
Looking for people who have shared interests ideally, but not picky about it. I am really adaptible and will spend most of my days concentrating on my studies at the library or at home.