Jeff Hardman
Male · 53 years · O.D.S.P
Looking in: London, Middlesex County, ON.
People get skittish when they see O.D.S.P. I can assure you I do need O.D.S.P. and not someone who is lazy or trying to take advantage of the government. I suffer from nerve damage which effects my spine. I am a young 53yr old who does not partake in any form of drugs or alcohol and can provide assurances from my last two landlords that I am quiet and friendly and have not missed a rental payment to either landlord which spans roughly four years. I prefer to have my rental payments direct deposited into said landlords account directly from disability. That way I’m sure it’s paid and it gives my landlord less reservations about getting their rent and they can expect it on the same day every month without question. Except me as a tenant and you will never have any issues from me. I also must apologize for not introducing myself right from the start. So hello my name is Jeff and look forward to meeting any prospective renters. Thank you for your time to read this.