Kristina Madjuga
Female · 25 years · Business Analyst
Looking in: Toronto, ON.
My name is Kristina and I am looking for a female roommate in their 20s to share an apartment starting from August or September. My budget is under $1600 per person, and I’m looking anywhere from Dundas West to Queens Quay, and Bathurst to Yonge. I am 25 and working in tech, so I’m in the office 2 days/week. I am clean, flexible, and quiet but social. I enjoy sports (running, bouldering, cycling and gym) and I am a huge foodie, so I love checking out new cafes and restaurants. I also have the sweetest female 2 yo cat who is super shy, quiet and gentle (she is fully vaccinated and neutered). I’m all about having a good balance between social time and personal space and would love to room with someone who feels the same.