Hi there! My daughter and I are starting a fresh chapter in life, and hoping to find an affordable way to find a place to call home. We are easy going, generally happy, and considerate of others. Em is non-verbal, and a little ray of sunshine who loves listening to music with her headphones. We have two adorable indoor sibling cats, both spayed, and we need to find a space that will allow our family to stay together. I have a limited income right now due to being primary caregiver for my daughter, but working on securing online work in the not too distant future. I am well acquainted with the art of the side hustle. We are team players, so helping out in the yard, and doing our share of housework etc would never be a problem.
Open to a “work for reduction in rent” situation as an option as well. One last thing…stairs. They are difficult for my daughter to navigate, so something fairly accessible would be great.
If you’re interested in more dialogue about possibilities, let’s connect and have a chat! Thx!