Male · 20 years · Engineering Physics Student & Undergraduate Researcher
Looking in: Kerrisdale, Vancouver, Metro Vancouver Regional District, BC, West Point Grey, Vancouver, Metro Vancouver Regional District, BC, Kitsilano, Vancouver, Metro Vancouver Regional District, BC, Dunbar - Southlands Dunbar-Southlands, Vancouver, Metro Vancouver Regional District, BC & Vancouver, Metro Vancouver Regional District, BC.
Hi there! My name is Tate McCartney.
I am a 4th year UBC engineering student with a minimum of 2 years to graduation. Easygoing, yet studious, my particular discipline is Engineering Physics, an intense faculty within UBC Eng. I’m looking for a peaceful environment. A nightly party environment would probably not be the best choice for me.
I don’t drink or smoke, I am responsible, but also friendly and love a good laugh. A staff member from previous student housing at UBC, referred to me as the “perfect tenant,” because I had reported 2 floods, a broken light, returned 2 lost passports, and ensured that a candle in an unoccupied tenant room was extinguished.
My existing 2 year rental, in a house in Dunbar, is ending as the owner is moving in. I have enjoyed the experience and have been the longest standing tenant, having shared the house with as many as 3 co-tenants, during my Tenancy. I have been the house “manager”, which was primarily a facilitater of communication or helping with division of kitchen storage and a wet shoe system etc.
I may have some flexibility regarding occupancy dates.