Graeme Taylor
Male · 25 years · Sales Representative
Looking in: Crescentwood River Heights, Winnipeg, MB, South River Heights River Heights, Winnipeg, MB, North River Heights River Heights, Winnipeg, MB, Central St. Boniface St. Boniface, Winnipeg, MB, North St. Boniface St. Boniface, Winnipeg, MB & Wolseley Downtown Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB.
Started a new job recently as a sales representative and want to get a living space sometime after my month probation period is up, which is at the start of August. I enjoy cooking, doing chores, and am also a great person to hang out with! I enjoy keeping physically active, trying out new things, and am also an adventurous person. I hope to find a place where there is no issue bringing friends over on a Friday or Saturday evening.