Anna Dwyer & Ella Cooper
Females · 23 & 24 years · Seeking employment with the IEC Working Holiday Visa
Looking in: Montréal, QC.
Hey, my best friend Ella and I are currently traveling on a working holiday visa and are very excited to live and work in Montréal. We are currently looking for jobs as we have been traveling and helping with Workaways so far in Canada. We are looking to share a room if possible! We are both signed up to learn French and are very excited to spend the next few months in Montreal! We are clean, friendly, respectful and sociable people who both love to go to galleries/ museums, reading, communal cooking, and the outdoors. Ella enjoys running and studied psychology and biology at university and I enjoy cycling and studied Art. If you have a room/2 rooms available please let us know! Thank you & Merci! :)