Male · 44 years · Bookkeeper
Looking in: Cambridge, Waterloo County, ON, Applewood, Mississauga, Peel County, ON, Mississauga, Peel County, ON, Stratford, Perth County, ON, Unionville, Regional Municipality of York, ON & Markham, Regional Municipality of York, ON.
I have three university degrees and currently work online from home.
I have a very steady/predictable routine. I like to be in bed reading or watching YouTube (with headphones) by 8PM every weeknight.
I am up around 8 AM, have a shower, my tea and step outside for a few cigarettes (I never smoke inside! I can’t tolerate the smell of any kind of smoke around where I sleep.)
I work at my computer from about 10 AM until 6 PM.
I might go for a walk every other day after work… then I will cook, eat, and be back in bed at 8.
Weekend routine is only slightly different; groceries and chores, maybe sleep a little later.
So I would be a good fit with someone who doesn’t mind me occasionally talking on business calls during work hours, and who has a similar routine as myself.
Note that I would need enough room for a large desk, for my computer, two screens, and various peripherals.
I am a big fan of peace and quiet… that’s the main reason I am trying to get out of Toronto!