Photo of Richard


Male · 24 years · Account Excutive; Student

Free to message

Looking in: Montréal-Ouest, QC.

$1,200 per month
Accommodation for
For myself
Ready to move
🏳️‍🌈 LGBT+ friendly
🌲 Cannabis friendly
🚭 Non-smoker
🎓 Student
🙌 Interested in teaming-up


I’m clean and adaptable to any living space environment. I spend most of my time studying, working, going to the gym, and spending time with my girlfriend, so I won’t be a bother. However, I’m also open to hanging out, having conversations, or cooking for us. I understand if you prefer the space to be male-only (I wouldn’t bring anyone around) or female-only (which I wouldn’t qualify for 😂)—no hard feelings!

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