Daniy or Mason is fine. He/They - Sir, not Ma’am, just to be clear. On ODSP, and use marijuana medically. Because I am immune to the THC in edibles, my only option is smoking, and I completely understand wanting to keep that stuff outside the house. I’m hoping to adopt and take my current roommate/landlord’s cat with me, as he’s trying to get rid of him and I’m quite attached.
I do my absolute best to live responsibly and unobtrusively (I live with multiple disabilities, chronic illnesses, and mental health issues, and I am also neurodivergent, so I often have to fight with myself or my body to just function on some days - I love storms, but storms don’t love me 😢), and like to help out where I can in non-living-space-related projects or tasks as well, if you’re open to assistance. I don’t drink, except maybe, like, once every three years??? 😅 So no worries about drunken shenanigans and such. I also don’t take any non-OTC or non-prescription drugs, so you never have to worry about that either.
I have hyperlexia and am always happy to put it to good use. I’m told my talents include both creative and “professional” writing, remembering the most vast and random crap (both useful, just interesting, or downright bizarre), and explaining/teaching people things in a way anyone can understand.
My sensory sensitivities mean I can get overwhelmed easily, but also pick up on details others don’t or can’t. I do, however, in addition to normal eyesight issues, have Visual Snow Syndrome, so my view is literally distorted by a hyper-detailed static overlay. Like I’m The Operator’s favourite stalking victim. 🙄 (Apologies if that reference is considered dated now.)
I am reliable with rent payment (especially when e-transfers are an option). I will ask for clarification if I’m confused - this isn’t a refusal to do what it asked, it is an attempt to better understand the request so I can fulfill it optimally. I tend to be avoidant of confrontation, but I’d be happy to have a quiet sit-down with one or two people at a time to discuss any issues. I do have a tendency to cry, but that’s not a reflection on you - you’re simply trying to keep the peace. My brain just really doesn’t understand emotional regulation, and I have both Treatment-Resistant Major Depressive Disorder and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (trust me, the diagnosis list is a mile long, and if I had fully-detailed, lifelong medical records, they’d tower over War and Peace. My genetics are ridiculous). So don’t feel guilty or distressed if you see it happen. I might not even be that upset about it in all reality, but my body reacts anyway. It’s a pain.
But I REEEEEALLY don’t want to have to walk on eggshells all the time and wonder if I’m going to get kicked out suddenly because of something nobody told me I was doing/not doing/not doing correctly. Please, no written notes, though. Maybe the occasional nice one if you’re feeling charitable? But it’s a trauma trigger. A weird one, I’m aware, but I’d happily accept yours regardless of how “strange” they are considered, so I’d just appreciate the same courtesy.
The cat in question is a fixed male. I do not know his history with other cats or animals, but he’s extremely friendly and affectionate. He’s long-haired, about 2½-3 years old. I keep on top of the litter at all times and use the appropriate avenues to keep it as unnoticeable as humanly possible. He’s chatty and tends to beg for food, but he’s also smart and resourceful. He has a bad habit of jumping up on counters, but he’s never gone #1 or #2 outside of his litterbox. He’d literally rather hold it all day! He’s kind of weird like that. I swear black and white cats are just tamer, somewhat more sensible gingers. He can stay in my room if necessary. He has a couple behaviours I’d like to work on with him if I can secure a place with him, but he is otherwise a well-behaved, if a bit quirky, feline friend.
I aim to stay in Cambridge - the closer to the area around DiPietro’s, the better. I have my own furniture I would be bringing. My general budget is $800/month all-inclusive, as ODSP pays like crap (they only give a maximum of approximately $600/month for rent. Everything else has to come out of your general budget that would otherwise go to groceries, medical help, etc.), but depending on the situation, I could find room in my budget for another $50 more.
If I HAVE to move to Kitchener, I’d love something close to my friends there. One lives around Bridgeport Plaza, the other lives by Kingsdale.
If there’s anything relevant that I’ve forgotten to mention here, just message me. I’m usually awake as early as 8am or as late as 10am, and I stay up until anywhere from midnight to 2am. Texting/messaging preferred initially. Happy to talk on the phone/in person once we are acquainted! Hope to hear from you soon. 🫡 TTYS! ✌️💚
UPDATE: Kittycat may have found a new home (I was still looking regardless to make sure that if I couldn’t secure him, I could at least secure him a home where I’d get updates and regular pics 🥲). But if I manage to find a place soon, I may still be able to change arrangements to fostering, if New Mom is open to it. So, if you have an open mind and don’t mind my motormouth, please message me! 🙏🏻
Much love,